Όπως μάλιστα διαβάζουμε στο site του Denninger< Ο Μακ Κρίσταλ κοροιδεύει και τον Μπάιντεν, τον αντιπρόεδρο του Ομπάμα, λέγοντας με γέλια "ποιος είναι αυτός"? Ακόμα πιο σημαντικό είναι πως ο Μακ Κρίσταλ έχει μεγάλο χάσμα με την πολιτική ηγεσία, διότι ο πόλεμος στο Αφγανιστάν χάνεται, και πρόσφατα μάλιστα είχε ζητήσει την αποστολή 40.000 επιπλέον ανδρών:
General Stanley McChrystal offered his resignation after he and aides made comments in a magazine article disparaging administration officials over their handling of the war in Afghanistan, according to a government official.
"Are you asking about Vice President Biden?" McChrystal says with a laugh. "Who's that?"
"Biden?" suggests a top adviser. "Did you say: Bite Me?"
After arriving in Afghanistan last June, the general conducted his own policy review, ordered up by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The now-infamous report was leaked to the press, and its conclusion was dire: If we didn't send another 40,000 troops – swelling the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan by nearly half – we were in danger of "mission failure." The White House was furious. McChrystal, they felt, was trying to bully Obama, opening him up to charges of being weak on national security unless he did what the general wanted. It was Obama versus the Pentagon, and the Pentagon was determined to kick the president's ass.
Αφγανιστάν - "το νεκροταφείο των υπερδυνάμεων". Εκεί γράφτηκε ο επίλογος της ΕΣΣΔ, εκεί πέφτει και η Αμερική, που, όπως κάποτε και η ΕΣΣΔ, χάνει ολοένα και περισσότερο έδαφος ιδεολογικά, πολιτικά, κοινωνικά, οικονομικά, και μένει μόνο ο στρατός της
Are We Going Down Like the Soviets?
The Soviets made a devastating miscalculation: they mistook military power for power on this planet. Sound familiar?
Looking back, the most distinctive feature of the last years of the Soviet Union may have been the way it continued to pour money into its military -- and its military adventure in Afghanistan -- when it was already going bankrupt and the society it had built was beginning to collapse around it. In the end, its aging leaders made a devastating miscalculation. They mistook military power for power on this planet. Armed to the teeth and possessing a nuclear force capable of destroying the Earth many times over, the Soviets nonetheless remained the vastly poorer, weaker, and (except when it came to the arms race) far less technologically innovative of the two superpowers.
Θυμάστε την ιστορία για ορυκτά αξίας 1 τρις $ στο Αφγανιστάν? Τώρα το ανεβάζουν στα 3 τρις $, προφανώς για να πείσουν το λαό να υποστηρίξει την εκεί εκστρατεία:
Propaganda Campaign Turned Up A Notch, As Afghanistan Now Claims $3 TRILLION Of Minerals
Perhaps because most people were not impressed with the announcement of $1-trillion worth of mineral reserves, an Afghani minister has tripled the reserves estimate.
"A very conservative estimate has been one trillion. Our estimation is more than that... the idea is it could be up to three trillion dollars," Afghan mining minister Waheedullah Shahrani told the AFP.
Και ποιος θα πάρει αυτά τα λάφυρα? Μα "φυσικά' ο κατακτητής, καθώς ο δωσίλογος Αφγανός πρωθυπουργός Καρζάι ανακοίνωσε πως τα συμβόλαια εξόρυξης θα πάνε -που αλλού?- σε χώρες που συμμετέχουν στην "ασφάλεια" του Αφγανιστάν:
Countries That Support US in Afghanistan Get Preferred Access to Minerals
Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced that the major donor countries would have preferential access to mineral resources in the Hindu Kush. “Afghanistan should grant access first to countries, who have supported us massively in recent years,”
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